Is Jaggery Good for Diabetes ?? Better than Sugar ?? Let’s Find Out !!

by Shravan kumar
is jaggery good for diabetes

Jaggery has a high nutritional value and offers multiple health benefits. It is a great source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. But is it good for Diabetes Patients?? Let’s Find Out!!

Jaggery (gur) is considered a superfood owing to the nutritional value it possesses; however, there is an ongoing debate on “is jaggery good for diabetes?”, “Can we eat jaggery in diabetes?” Let’s read along to understand the composition, nutritional value, the benefits of jaggery, and its significance for diabetics, how to consume it, and risks of overconsumption.


Jaggery: Nutritional Profile

Jaggery has a glycemic index (GI) of 87.4, which is fairly high, and is comparative to sucrose (83.9).

100 g of Sugar Cane Jaggery
Carbohydrates: 95 mg
Fat: 0.1 mg
Protein: 280 gms
Calcium: 100 mg
Manganese: 70 mg
Potassium: 1056 mg
Phosphorous: 90 mg
Sodium: 19 mg
Iron: 10 mg
Vitamin B1: 0.01 mg
Vitamin B2: 0.06 mg
Vitamin B5: 0.01 mg
Vitamin B6: 0.01 mg
Vitamin C: 7 mg
Vitamin D2: 6.50 mg

Additionally, jaggery also contains traces of micronutrients, namely, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum, phenolics, pectin, and organic acids.

Benefits of Jaggery for Diabetes

  • Jaggery is superior to white sugar due to the presence of nutrients, whereas all nutrients are removed from white sugar during the refining process. 
  • Jaggery has high nutritional value along with a good mix of antioxidants, but it also has a high GI. If consumed in small quantities, it helps in fighting oxidative stress and improving digestion.
  • But it has no specific benefits for diabetes and can be consumed occasionally, instead of white sugar.

How to Consume Jaggery For Diabetes?

  • Jaggery powder or pieces
  • Jaggery ladoo
  • A mixture of jaggery and roasted gram
  • Jaggery should be consumed after meals.
  • Approximately 5–30 g of jaggery is recommended to be consumed daily.

When Should Diabetics Eat Jaggery?

Since jaggery is still a sugar that can affect your glucose stability, it is best to have it only when your sugar levels are dropping.

Jaggery: Risks of Overconsumption For Diabetics

Since jaggery is still a sugar that can affect your glucose stability, it is best to have it only when your sugar levels are dropping.

Curious about sweeteners for diabetes? Learn about the effects of jaggery, honey, and dark chocolate on blood sugar management

Risks Of Overconsumption Of Dates

Consuming too much jaggery can cause a significant rise in blood glucose levels, which over time may lead to serious health issues. High blood sugar can strain vital organs, increasing the risk of complications in the kidneys, liver, and heart. Additionally, excess sugar intake can compromise the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections and reducing its ability to repair itself effectively.

Other Health Benefits of Jaggery

  •  Jaggery is a better sweetener than sugar and has more nutritional value.
  • It has no specific benefits for diabetes, other than as a better alternative to white sugar. 
  • Jaggery is a rich source of energy, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
  • It  offers multiple health benefits and cures disorders.
  • It can be consumed raw or as various preparations in moderate quantities.
  • Jaggery is an important part of the Indian kitchen and Ayurvedic preparations.

Don’t Have Time To Read?

  • jaggery is a better sweetener than sugar and has more nutritional value.
  • It has no specific benefits for diabetes, other than as a better alternative to white sugar.
  • Jaggery is a rich source of energy, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
  • It  offers multiple health benefits and cures disorders.
  • It can be consumed raw or as various preparations in moderate quantities.
  • Jaggery is an important part of the Indian kitchen and Ayurvedic preparations.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can Diabetic Patients Consume Jaggery?

Yes, diabetics can eat jaggery but only in small quantities while monitoring their blood sugar levels. Since it has other nutrients, it is a better option than white sugar, but should not be consumed regularly by diabetes patients.

Is Jaggery Good for Diabetes?

Jaggery is not good for diabetes. Jaggery increases blood sugar levels for extended periods due to slow absorption. But it is better than white sugar, because there are micronutrients and vitamins.

Is Coconut Jaggery Good for Diabetics?

Coconut jaggery has a lower GI than sugar and does not contain sucrose. Foods with a low GI are better choices for diabetics.

Is Jaggery Better than Sugar for Diabetics?

Yes, jaggery is better than sugar as it offers additional nutritional value, but it’s not an ideal sugar substitute.

Can Diabetics Consume Palm Jaggery?

Yes, diabetics can consume palm jaggery, but in moderate quantities. A low GI makes it a better alternative.

Can We Eat Jaggery in Gestational Diabetes?

Eating jaggery will increase blood glucose levels; hence, it’s better to keep blood glucose levels under control in gestational diabetes; otherwise, there could be adverse effects on the baby’s health.

Is Black Jaggery Good for Diabetics?

Black jaggery is good for diabetics due to its nutritional value; however, caution must be taken not to overconsume.

Which Jaggery is Good for Diabetes?

Coconut palm and date palm jaggery are the best types of jaggery for diabetics because of their low GI.

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