Tomato sauce/ ketchup has been there since time immemorial as an add-on or side taste bringer for fast foods. Tomato sauce is known to improve heart health, strengthens bones, improves digestion and gut health.
But can diabetics eat tomato sauce? Is ketchup good for diabetics? What are the health benefits of tomato sauce? This article will give you an insight into tomato sauce and its overall health benefits.
Tomato Sauce: Nutritional Profile
The nutritional profile for one serving of tomato sauce is as follows:
Calories: 75 |
Saturated fat: 1 g |
Fat: 3 g |
Fiber: 3 g |
Protein: 2 g |
Sodium: 19 mg |
Carbohydrate: 12 g |
Advantages of Tomato Sauce For Diabetes
- Tomato sauce is a portion of nutrient-dense plant food.
- A diet high in tomatoes can help prevent cancer, lower blood pressure, and control blood sugar in diabetics.
- Tomatoes in sauce contain carotenoids such as lutein and lycopene. They help protect the eyes from damage caused by light.
Ways To Consume Tomato Sauce For Diabetes
Consuming a whole tomato is advised over making ketchup or sauce since the latter contains a high level of sugar and salt. The following recipe is used in combination with other dishes for diabetic patients moderately with tomato sauce.
Pasta With Tomato Sauce:
Prepare the pasta according to the package directions. Puree the tomatoes, basil, and garlic in a food processor or blender. Pour them into a large pot. Cover and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Add the prepared tomato sauce to the pasta and stir well. Stir in the ricotta and parmesan cheese after removing the saucepan from the heat. Garnish with fresh basil, if desired.
Tomato Sauce can also be served:
- With eggs
- With fish
- With beans
- In risotto or polenta
- In vegetable noodles
- In curries
Best Time To Consume Tomato Sauce For Diabetes
You can eat a tablespoon of tomato sauce in pasta or other dishes. A small amount of tomato sauce has no side effects, but more than a tablespoon is harmful to your health.
Find out which extras and sauces are diabetes-friendly and how they impact blood sugar levels.
Diabetic-Friendly Additions: What’s Safe for Blood Sugar? |
Can Diabetics Eat Spaghetti Sauce? |
Can Diabetics Eat Mayonnaise? |
Soya Chunks/Soybean Good For Diabetes |
Apple Cider Vinegar For Diabetes |
Soups For Diabetics |
Risks of Over Consumption of Tomato Sauce
Due to the content of sauce fat increases in the body.
Tomatoes include malic and citric acids, which cause your stomach to become too acidic.
Tomatoes contain histamine, a chemical that can cause skin rashes or allergies.
Other Health Benefits of Eating Tomato Sauce
- Improve your heart’s health
- Improve digestive health
- Vitamin-rich food
- Strengthen your bones
- Improve gut Health
Don’t Have Time To Read?
- Lycopene, an antioxidant in tomatoes, protects cells. Consuming whole tomatoes is a healthy alternative for diabetics compared to ketchup or sauce.
- If you are diabetic, you can add one tablespoon to your daily diet plan.
- Pasta and any other dish can be prepared with tomato sauce.
- It can also improve the health of your heart, digestion, bones, and gut, and provide essential vitamins.
Also Read: Is Papad Good for Diabetics
Common FAQs
1. Is Tomato Sauce Bad For Diabetes?
You should avoid tomato sauce if you have diabetes because of the high level of sodium and carbohydrates in it. Even if you use tomato sauce, remember to not use too much of it or put it on everything food item you eat.
2. Can Diabetics Eat Canned Tomato Sauce?
Canned tomatoes may be used to season a variety of foods, including soups and stews. These tasty red fruits are also high in antioxidants like lycopene, which may help to keep your heart in good shape. Plus, because they’re low in carbohydrates, they have a minor impact on your blood sugar levels.
3. Can You Overeat Tomato Sauce?
When consumed in excess, tomatoes can cause severe acid reflux due to their high malic and citric acid content. The acidic properties in tomatoes cause the stomach to produce extra gastric acid at the start of digestion.
4. Why Does Tomato Sauce Hurt My Stomach?
Tomatoes, although rich in water content, are slightly acidic. Citrus and malic acids present in tomatoes are both responsible for heartburn and gas. It could hurt the lining of your stomach, if you are sensitive, and force the release of a lot of gastric acid to digest tomato-based foods.
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