Is Wheat Good For Diabetes?? Sugar Content In Wheat??

by Dr. Shivani Arora, MBBS
is wheat good for diabetes
Daily consumption of wheat aids in good digestion, prevents cardiovascular diseases and helps maintain healthy weight. But, is wheat good for diabetes? How much sugar is there in wheat?

Wheat provides the body with energy, helps maintain healthy weight and reduces risks of cardiovascular diseases. But is wheat good for diabetes? What is the glycemic index of wheat? Wheat sugar content?

Let’s understand the uses and overall benefits of wheat for diabetics.

Wheat: Nutritional Value

Whole-grain wheat’s glycemic index (GI) is 54 which makes it good for diabetics. It lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. It is high in fibre, B-vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, and trace minerals like selenium, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus, folate, and magnesium that benefits your overall health.

100 grams of wheat contains the following nutrients:

Calories: 340
Water: 11%
Protein: 13.2 grams
Carbs: 72 grams
Sugar: 0.4 grams

Advantages Of Wheat For Diabetes

  • Whole wheat is high in fibre, which helps decrease cholesterol and the risk of heart-related diabetic complications.
  • Fibre slows digestion and glucose absorption, keeping blood sugar levels steady. It does not spike blood sugar as rapidly as refined grains like rice and white bread.
  • It has a medium GI, which indicates that it minimizes blood sugar levels after consumption.
  • Chapatis are the best source of energy in your diet.

Ways To Consume Wheat For Diabetes

  • Diabetics can eat 2 to 3 whole-wheat chapatis in a meal to boost protein content.
  • Add a cup of whole-wheat flour while making paneer besan chilla. This winning combination greatly benefits diabetics. Do cook it in healthy oil like olive oil or rice bran oil.
  • Add 100 grams of whole-wheat flour while making bajra methi missi roti for a nutritious diabetes-friendly meal. Bajra has the same moderate GI of 54, while methi’s GI is 0.

Best Time to Consume Wheat For Diabetes

Whole grains and wholemeal bread include complex carbs that promote a gradual release of glucose and avoid blood sugar spikes. Thus, you can consume whole wheat during breakfast or lunch to stay energetic throughout the day. Whole grains should be around half your total grain intake. Experts recommend consuming 225 grams of whole wheat daily.

Risks of Over Consuming Wheat For Diabetes

  • Difficult to digest
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Increased cholesterol levels
  • irritability
  • Food cravings
  • Fatty liver
  • High blood pressure

Other Health Benefits of Wheat For Diabetes

  • Whole-grain wheat lowers the risk of developing chronic diseases.
  • Its high fibre content aids heart health by controlling cholesterol levels.
  • It also slows stomach emptying, which decreases hunger and helps control weight.
  • A diet rich in whole grains also helps lower the risk of heart diseases and specific cancers.

Find out how grains like barley, wheat, and quinoa can benefit diabetes management. Learn which grains and pulses support healthy blood sugar levels

Don’t Have Time To Read?

  • Whole-grain wheat’s GI is 54 which is best for controlling blood sugar. It provides B-vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, and minerals.
  • Its high fibre decreases cholesterol and the risk of heart disease in diabetics.
  • It steadies digestion and glucose absorption, maintaining blood sugar levels.
  • Consume whole wheat in chapatis or by adding it to traditional recipes.
  • Complex carbs in whole wheat gradually release glucose. Therefore, daytime consumption gives you maximal energy. You can eat chapatis at night as they are high in fibre and, thus, filling.
  • Overconsumption impacts intestinal function, causing slow digestion and digestive problems.
  • It prevents chronic illness, controls cholesterol levels, slows stomach emptying, and manages weight.


Friendly Asked Questions

Is Wheat Good For Diabetes?

Yes, whole-grain wheat has a GI of 54 and a glycemic load of 11.5. Such low-glycemic food helps control blood sugar. Whole-grain wheat is an excellent source of magnesium, which aids insulin secretion.

Does Wheat Increase Blood Sugar?

Refined wheat can increase blood sugar. However, whole-grain wheat lowers blood sugar as the sugar content in this grain is low if taken in the right amounts daily. Whole-grain wheat has 12% to 15% fibre by dry weight. Refined wheat has almost none and is devoid of nutrients.

Is Wheat Chapati Good For Diabetics?

YES, whole wheat chapati is best for diabetic as it controls blood sugar spikes and curbs your appetite.

What Is The Best Grain For Diabetics?

Whole grains like whole-grain wheat, oats, corn, barley, brown rice, and quinoa are among the best grains for diabetics. They have potent nutrients and a low GI, overall benefiting your health.

Difference Between Wheat Flour And Whole Wheat Flour?

Wheat flour is made by stripping the bran (outer layer) and germ (the seed’s nutrient reservoir) from grains before grinding. Whole-wheat flour is obtained by grinding whole wheat kernels. Thus, all nutrients are preserved making whole wheat flour a better and much healthier option.

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